Welcome to MyDrawingBoard's Review and Sample Downloads area.
REVIEW of Services:
MyDrawingBoard is a member supported archive. It is non-profit.
Rates are determined annually depending on amount of present members
and the prior 12 month expenses.
We offer 4 paid access levels formed into accounts grouped as follows: GEM,
GEM 15, GEM 30 and MARKET.
There are no setup fees. Fees are paid in advance of each month
and charged on the anniversary of your signup each month.
on the group name to review detailed options for each group.
GEM group
offers unlimited access to all services for $40 per month.
GEM 15 group offers unlimited access to all Libraries and theMARKETplace for $15 per month.
Gem 30 group offers unlimited downloading from our general download area and a store at theMARKETplace for $30 per month.
MARKET group offers a store at theMARKETplace. You may browse the Board, but no downloads permitted. $5 per month.
Only members of the aforementioned group's status are permitted to
view and download as many designs as they care to within the limits
of the group chosen at time of sign-up. You may change your
account status at any time. |
Below you will find a sampling of what we offer. But first some
important details......
Please note that the designs we post for your
viewing are simple GIF images. They are shrunk and often
distorted in order to fit in the allowable space. The CADD
designs are, of course, full size and proportional.
Please also note that we direct our
conversation at CADD operators in the stone trades - most
notably the memorial and garden memorial
decorative trade. All designs are
copyrighted either by us or the original artists. Contributions to
the archive are protected by US Copyright Laws, thus contribution
also affords intellectual and material protection. Only active
members are permitted to employ the designs under restrictions
mentioned throughout our site. Members who contribute are warned
never to upload copyrighted material unless the contributor is the
copyright holder and understands that other active members - and only
ACTIVE members - will reproduce and/or alter their work in the
limited production of their remembrance of a life. We remove any and
all work once notified of property rights infringed upon or if we
suspect copy infringement. This does not mean that we do not archive
such material. The Ruritian emblem is not permitted to be displayed
to the general public, yet to draw the emblem so it may be cut in
stone or bronze requires an interpretation of the original design to
vectorization. We do harbor such work for those who require it,
but you must request it and it must be for a member of the society
who has passed away. Usually the society or organization
will have already given you approval to use the emblem.
.. All designs are
plotter and cutter ready!
..Our artists spend so much time on glitzcy cars, we think they think
they're working for GM!
...But not just glitz! ...
If the design you need is not in the format you require simply ask for it and our webmaster will convert it and post it for you - sometimes within minutes.
We are not a design studio, per se. But if you
want a specific design ask for it. It will be designed and posted
within a month or two. Post your requests on our WISH page where you
can leave us any request - click here to view the
WISH page.
copyrighted by us or the contributing artists. You may use them as
described in the footnotes below so long as you are an active member
to our service. Designs posted on our board which are
infringing on others copyrights will be removed immediately upon our
knowledge of such copyright status.
Lamb: The Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world - the Agnes Dei. "Behold, the Lamb of God." (John 1:36) The Passover Lamb commemorated the Jews deliverance from Egypt; their salvation was assured by the blood of a lamb painted on their doorways. (Ex. 1:1-13). So the salvation of all men is made possible through the blood shed in the sacrifice of Christ, the new Paschal Lamb, on the Cross. '...the lamb who was slain...'(Rev. 5:12) The earthy image of Jesus carrying a lamb represents the Good Shepherd caring for his fold. |
..Every type of cross, and rose, and flower, and
endearing symbol there is.....
Unlimited downloads for members of the GEM and Gem
30 account status groups.
From the sublime to the, well, you know.
Members of GEM and GEM 30 may download any and all
files found in our general download areas.
extra work? Or maybe you want to put your next project up for
bid? Got a design to duplicate? A business to build?
Contacts to expand? Looking for a new vendor, shop or designer? theMARKETplace
is the new and smarter way to do business - here or anywhere.
All account status groups are permitted to create their own store
front in theMARKETplace
as well as shop and purchase directly at theMARKETplace.
Sample Download area.
For testing our quality, anyone may download the following images.
Be sure to save as correct extension DXF, GCD, PLT, etc..note the
name when downloading.
Click on the format you desire.
Be sure to save as correct extension DXF, GCD, PLT, etc..note the
name when downloading.
CMX Corel
CMP Monu-Cad
/ OurCad Component
CADD Systems
Paint Systems
PLT Gerber
CADD Systems
DWG AutoCad
Santa Claus,
Click on the format you desire.
Be sure to save as correct extension DXF, GCD, PLT, etc..note the
name when downloading.
| 2D | DXF
| GCD | DWG |
CMX Corel
Draw |
CDR Corel
Draw |
Ai Most
CADD and Paints |
GIF Universal
EPS Most
CADD and Paints |
PLT Gerber
3.5 and later |
2D Versa
CADD and Cochran |
and others |
HPG Universal
DXF Universal
GCD Generic
CADD 6. and up |
A Shamrock Spray
| CDR | Ai
| PLT | PLT,
| GCD |
Click on the format you desire.
Be sure to save as correct extension DXF, GCD, PLT,
etc..note the name when downloading.
Click on the format you desire.
Be sure to save as correct extension DXF, GCD,
PLT, etc..note the name when downloading.
Generic Cad
And now the fine print...
Nothing is for sale or ever was. You are not buying designs,
rather your monthly fee pays for the band width
required to operate this bulletin board service. All
designs redrawn or created by us are ready to plot and cut as they
are. Scaling the images on your end might enlarge, shrink or distort
the "V" lines beyond usability - depends how much scaling
you do. We set most "V" lines at .1098 inch. Most figures
are designed for an area of 12"x12". Most full stone
designs are designed for 20"x 12" surface area. Contributed
art will vary and we hold no promise of its quality - but 99% of it
is as good or better than ours! Because most of the designs are
vector interpretations of copy protected logos, emblems and the
like you can not sell any design. You may not distribute our
drawings. You may not store them on CD or other transportable media. To
employ any design or resource from this site said resource must be
pasted, cut, embossed, pressed, painted, affixed in any manner to a
medium. Said medium being the focus of the production, educational
presentation, display or structure and not the resource. You may
employ it in sales and cut the design into a memorial for display or
for a grave site while you are an active member at MyDrawingBoard.
You may employ any design for advertising purposes so long as we are
recognized as the source of the design. You are permitted to alter
any design in any fashion and then employ it as your own creation, as
long as said alteration is 40% or more of the design. No designs are
for sale at any time. We suggest you tell whomever it is that wants
to buy the design to get a computer and join MyDrawingBoard! Posted
designs are copyrighted property. As such you may employ them only
while you are an active member at MyDrawingBoard. Misuse, illegal
presentation or resale is punishable by law and we protect the rights
of the artists and our members to the fullest extent of the law. Take
this very seriously, please. We
offer a $10,000 reward for information which leads to the
apprehension and conviction of anyone who missuses our drawing files.
We do affect a search warrant which will lead to the immediate
confiscation of all your computers and all computers on any network
you are attached to so authorities may search all drives for any
stolen files. An additional $10,000 per drawing after the first
drawing (therefore $20,000 for 2, $30,000 for 3, etc) will be paid
upon compensation from the convicted.
Questions, suggestions, email, joe@gemrock.com
here to enter the seach engine.
only members can actually download.
Become a member,
click here.
Copyright 1996 and 2001, MyDrawingBoard and MyDrawingBoard STRICTLY ENFORCED