Not a pleasant task, we know.
MyDrawingBoard is a member
supported, non-profit organization. We neither charge or accept
payment in any form for our services. Nor are we responsible for any
harm arising from your use of our services. But we sure need to
know if trouble arises and will do all we can to help you along.
You are
encouraged to contact the administrator - junior@mydrawingboard.com
- to aid you with 1) Design selection and 2) a referral to a
monument builder for any cemetery in the USA. An experienced
memorialist will perform one or more of the following steps.
*Hear you out. Monuments express thoughts, ideas, and reflect
a life gone by. Don't be shy to write all you want. Our
organization has worked with many thousands of families since
1972. *Joe will allow you access to over one million designs.
You will be guided as to how to find the proper design allowed by
your cemetery and the one which best suits a message the memorial
needs to express. * We will review our member monument builders
for one close to you and as compatible to your needs as
possible. *We will then contact that member to verify his
working area. *Contact you as to the referral. *If no
member is located, we will search the data base shown below -
you are invited to do so also. *The names, addresses and phone
of the monument builders we find therein, will be emailed to you
only. We might phone those selected to verify their
qualifications, but otherwise no contact will be made between us and
those chosen as we do not want non-members to think we are seeking a
hand-out and thus charge you in advance for services we do not charge for. |