When seeking a deisgn Always start at: http://www.mydrawingboard.com/search.htm This is what you'll find there:
Choose the type you want such as Generic Designs (Common stuf like cats, trucks, houses, cars, police, badge)
Click on your choice. You will be transported to
the Generic Designs page.
On that page will be a field where you can
input a keyword and a list of menu choices. We offer you two kinds of
searches - AUTO and Manual Searches.
The page you are on is for an Auto Search for Generic Designs.
In the SEARCH FIELD type in a single word (multi words are OK
but I notice a single word works best.) Let's ues the word
badge (Remember to always use lower case. badge not BADGE.)
Click on the Search button.
It will bring up a page of page listings where your keyword was found. Here are some that come up:
1. /html/free13.htm
".. department, hero fd, Fire Department, badge, shield, fire
hydrant, ladder .."
2. /html/ht2/free21.htm
".. one male, one feamle) 4badge, 4 inch badge for brooklyn
diosease, nassau .."
3. /html/free2.htm
".. 4 inch for brooklyn diocese, nypd, badge pondfish, fish,
bass, .."
4. /html/free20.htm
I show here 4 but there are 8 altogether. You now need to click on the link such as /html/free13.htm
When you visit the page, you will find
SOMEWHERE on that page where the word badge refers to a design.
If it is the design you like, then RIGHT CLICK on the file format you
want to take ...dxf, gcd, esp, etc.
You will then be given a choice as to where on your computer to save
the file. Save it. Once saved
you will need to change the file's name because we turnicate file
names. So a file.dx_ must be
changed to DXF, ep_ to EPS, etc and so forth. Then your
CAD system will be able to open the file.
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